How to Avoid Paying an Automobile Franchise?

Automobile Franchise

In the event of a claim damaging your vehicle, you are required to cover part of the indemnity that you pay to your insurer. This is the deductible. However, it seems illogical to pay this sum in the event of an accident if the responsibility is not imputed to you. How to avoid paying this deductible in this case? Find the answers to this question here.

How to avoid paying the deductible?

The car deductible is an essential option in the car insurance contract. Although there are contracts without a deductible or circumstances in which it is not binding on the insured, some insurers still require this compensation. The following recommendations will allow you to no longer pay this amount.

Go through the good car garages

A good car garage is an approved garage that offers quality services. Thus, to follow up on damage, your insurance company recommends that you choose the repair garage carefully, by choosing garages that take care of your deductible like those of ZeCarrossery, you are a winner, you just have to find a garage of their brand directly on their website . The latter has the advantage of ensuring full coverage of the costs related to the repairs of your vehicle. Also, with an approved garage, you can get rid of a deductible.

If you are not responsible, an excess refund is possible

When you have an accident with a third party and you are not held responsible for it, you can request a total refund of your deductible, this remains effective provided that the other driver is held responsible for the disappointments. Thus, to be fully compensated with 0% deductible to pay, you can claim reimbursement from the insurer of the responsible driver. Otherwise, you can seek the help of your insurer to carry out these steps, however, this last option is not possible if you have not taken out legal protection cover.

In addition, your refund request may be unsuccessful. In this case, it is recommended that you contact your insurer’s mediator. The latter would know the steps to take to obtain compensation for you.

How does a car franchise work?

First of all, a deductible represents an amount remaining to be paid to cover all the damage caused to your vehicle during a claim. This is fully borne by the insured, it is assessed as a fixed amount which is payable by the insured or simply as a percentage of the total amount of damage. Being provided for in the insurance contract and calculated according to the situation that arises, the deductible can be simple or absolute.

The first consists in fully reimbursing the insured if the cost of the damage linked to the claim is greater than the amount of the deductible. Otherwise, the insured bears the full amount of the damage. On the other hand, the deductible is said to be absolute when the insured is supposed to pay whatever the amount of the damage. In addition, a distinction is made between the responsible and non-responsible insurance deductible depending on the damage.

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